Francesca -‘Wanting Me’

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‘Wanting Me’Francesca’s new single “Wanting Me” is a feel good, upbeat summer vibe and unapologetically catchy. It’s a girls holiday anthem with a current yet classic sound. Just like
Francesca herself, this single is fun, feisty and fabulous.
With “Wanting Me”, the Manchester born and raised singer-songwriter anticipates a new and busy year ahead. So far, the debut single has been play-listed on a number of official Spotify playlists after accumulating over 35,000 streams without any major push.

The danceable house sounds have been a heavy influence in Fran’s life, not to mention her love for a classic RnB riff. Francesca is ready for the journey ahead and with guidance from her management she will take her career to the next level and make an impact in 2020 – so be ready.

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