Artist Focus: Kojey Radical feat. Lex Amor

The highly-anticipated debut album from Kojey Radical is almost out!

The fact that the East London-born, Kojey Radical, has become one of the UK’s most influential voices and hasn’t even released his debut album yet absolutely blows my mind. It is certainly a testament to his raw talent however we don’t have long to wait as his debut album is on its way and we have so far been gifted the first track entitled “War Outside”. We assure you that that this track leaves a mark and is a potential future classic. This track has been produced by KZ and Swindle and features the talented Lex Amor.

Critics have already began to praise Radical for the ambitious decision to sing instead of rap on his debut album’s first single as this just goes to show how versatile and confident he is as a musician.

Lyrically, Radical takes a somewhat observational approach to writing about the chaos that has occurred over the past 18 months or so whilst taking time to look at the bigger picture.

“Over four previous EPs (2014’s Dear Daisy, 2016’s 23Winters, 2017’s In God’s Body and 2019’s Cashmere Tears), Kojey Radical has given people greatness but for the album he’ll be striving for perfection. “War Outside” sets the scene perfectly. Simultaneously timeless and ultra-contemporary, it’s everything that’s so exciting about Black British music right now. This is Kojey Radical in the eye of the storm while the world crashes in slow motion around him.”

“This is the first time I’ve done it to the scale and ambition of what I speak. Previously it’s been “I’m warming, I’m warming, I’m warming up”. But I’m warm now – put me in the game” – Kojey Radical

We’ve thoroughly enjoyed this new track and can’t wait to see what Kojey Radical has in store for us next!

Written & Researched by Max Dervan



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