“To The Edge” from UK based DJ, Producer and dance music pioneer Donovan

Donovan is a Bolton-born DJ and Electronic Music Producer. Since the age of 12, armed with a copy of Fruityloops, Donovan has been creating different genres of music.
After making what he describes as ‘life changing mistakes’, Donovan decided to take his music to next level and now gives his passion 110%, treating the studio as a day job. He often dedicates his work ethic and his drive to his best friend Lewis, who sadly passed away in April due to suicide.
Donovan’s sounds are unique, combined futuristic generic synths, electric distortion and a heavy bass-line. He is sure to bring a unique new sound to the dance game.
Already being supported by huge artists, Donovan is growing in popularity, with his songs being aired on radio and streamed worldwide.
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