Roy Medallion is one of the UK’s leading Lovers Rock DJs with a track record stretching as far back as the 1970’s. As an East End of London born boy, Hackney to be exact, Roy Medallion began buying music at a very early age from school days.

He first began entertaining crowds at birthday parties for friends and family then ventured into playing at the 1980’s his reputation as a Lovers Rock Selector saw him gaining regular bookings at clubs.

Towards the end of the 1980s he began to start making a name in the world of radio as well. This began with RJR Supreme followed by a number of years on Station FM. As his reputation and following grew into the ’90s, this led to a special one off show on KISS FM in 1997 where they did a special feature on the leading club DJs at the time.

Roy is known as the Lovers Rock DJ, He’s versatile to entertain wider audiences with touches of soul and other reggae formats.

In 2011 Roy received a 30 years service to Reggae Music Award with a HiCrEc (Hidden Creative Economy) also awarded with a public vote as the UK’s Best Community DJ.

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