Artist Promo – Mr Horn “Summertime” Feat. Reginald Davison & Samantha Trego

[Adult Contemporary]

Best known as the Keyboardist / Producer half of the Lansing, MI based hit making contemporary urban jazz duo Horn & Holland, Darren Horn adopts the artist moniker Mr. Horn and showcased a fresh side of his Adult Contemporary / Soft Rock influenced vibe on his dynamic and multi-faceted grooving debut solo single, “Summertime”, released last month!

In the tradition of genre greats like Carole King and James Taylor, the veteran Composer and Musician works with some of the region’s most prominent sidemen and arrangers. On this particular piece, he produced Summertime which was written by his friend Reginald Davison and two of them create an instantly infectious song driven by inspiration, hope and desire to bring joy and a smile to its listeners.

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