Unknown Artist ‘3 X 4’

Unknown Artist
‘3 X 4’
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Get ready to witness a shift in the black music space as IAME, the trailblazing label, are ready to cause a ruckus in 2024.

Brace yourself for ‘3×4,’ a rhythmic powerhouse that pays homage to the classic Jamaican dancehall riddim, blending a flow-laden & bouncy hook that demands attention along with a beat that justifies a flow as such. IAME is all about leaving an unforgettable mark, and ‘3×4’ not only delivers on that promise but also brings a few surprises to keep listeners on the edge. This track embodies the essence of dancehall fandom and is destined to conquer raves, playlists, and radio stations near you. Get ready for IAME – the disruptors of 2024’s black music scene.

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