Artist Focus: Kiara Chettri

Don’t write her off as your ‘Conventional’ artist. Kiara packs a punch!

Don’t dismiss the up and coming Kiara Chettri as another Pop artist clone, you’d be painfully wrong. It is plain to see that she has taken the path less travelled on her brand new release entitled “Falling”.


If you feel you’ve seen Chettri before, it may be because she has recently appeared on the cover of India’s edition of Rolling Stone Magazine – a great achievement for the native 17 year old who seems to be on an upward trajectory.


“Falling” is most certainly about love but is it about finding or losing it? We can’t say for sure but what we do know is that it is a walking ballad with a great chameleon-like energy that could see you through a summers day or a winter evening.


We most definitely are expecting great things to come from this artist and think she’s one to watch on the pop scene. Check out Kiara’s other great track called “Why” below and let us know what you think!


The music of Kiara Chettri can been heard all over the world in partnership with the radio plugging services offered by Musik and Film Radio Promotions Division.

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Written & Researched by Max Dervan



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