Artist Promo – Spooky Action at a Distance “I Love The Way You Walk Away”

Los Angeles’s new Indie Pop recording artists ‘Spooky Action at a Distance’, established in 2018. By well know composer, performer and long time producer Thomas James Zambrano (formerly of KROQ Donkey Show fame). Perform with a few hand picked friends, his own unique of Alternative/Indie Pop mixture of Punk, Soul and EDM.

In January of 2019, ‘Spooky Action at a Distance’ went on to release a self titled album, ‘Spooky Action at a Distance’ on soundcloud.

Within a few days of it’s release, the album track titled ‘Tabloid Love Affair’ went viral on  soundcloud peaking out at around 19,000 plays within a few days. Going viral that same year were the album’s tracks ‘Step Up The Latter’ (38,800 plays) and ‘Temptation’ (13,900 plays). Hot songs of 2019 also included ‘What Are You Doing Today?’. Which peaked at around 6,000 plays again in a few days.

Then in April of 2019, the group released their follow up 7 song album called ‘AWAKEN’. The album has no shortage of spiritual atmospheres, dance rhythms, catchy lyrics and warm soulful melodies.

The first song on the album, ‘That Spooky Northern Wind’ went viral and peaked at just over 18,000 plays just a few days after release. That song going viral was not the only surprise from the album ‘AWAKEN’ that year. ‘Spooky Action at a Distance’ had 4 more soundcloud “hits” in the following months. Next ‘Turned To Stone’ nearly went viral at almost 13,000 plays just after a few days. The album tracks, ‘Total Even Flow’ – viral at over 15,000 plays, ‘Walk In The Sun’ – viral at nearly 15,000 plays and ‘Lazarus’ with just over 21,000 plays again in just days (5-7 days)

In 2020 ‘Spooky Action at a Distance’ released singles outside of the realm of soundcloud  on iTunes/Apple Music, Spotify, Facebook / Instagram, Deezer, YouTube Music, Amazon, Pandora, TikTok, iTunes/Apple Music, Pandora, and TikTok.

These singles and releases on soundcloud mentioned above, have all been well received and favored by listeners in both Europe and America (over 20 million listens on Sound cloud to date). His music is favored so well. Earlier this year Thomas James Zambrano’s song writing and producing got him discovered by world renown music producer and Grammy nominator Stephen Wrench and promoted worldwide by Musik Radio Promotions

Similarly to soundcloud Musik Radio Promotions  simply posted one of Thomas’s many tracks titled ‘Every Sensation’ on his website established especially for Radio Station executives, Dj’s and station owners. So they could listen to and then download. Putting ‘Spooky Action at a Distance’ on the radio charts for the very first time.

Download/listen via the following link:

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