ARTIST PROMO – Luckie Boy “Oceans Deep”

Luckie Boy is a 22-year-old pop artist based out of Nashville Tennessee. Raised in a small town in Indiana, Luckie Boy has played in multiple bands, writing and producing music since the age of 14. Since moving to Nashville, he has been slowly finding his sound and learning what it means to be an artist.

Lucky Boy's "Oceans Deep" is to be released Monday 10th Jan 2022

The influences that inspire Luckie Boy’s sound ranges all across the musical spectrum from Michael Jackson to Harry Styles to even a bit of Biffy Clyro. Luckie Boy really started his musical journey after his mom brought home his family’s first Apple laptop where he would make beats all day on GarageBand. From recording beats on the computer, Luckie Boy went on to finding friends to write actual songs to the music he was creating. By the age of 20, he moved to Nashville Tennessee to pursue his music career, going to school for audio engineering, and graduating in 2018. He is currently collaborating with as many artists and writers as possible to better spread his music throughout the pop community and make a name for himself.

Since October 2020, Luckie Boy’s has had four number one charted worldwide radio hits co-written with Nashville hit songwriter (platinum award winner) Thornton Cline.

Lucky Boy is to release his fifth worldwide radio single, “Oceans Deep” also co-written by Thornton Cline on January 10, 2022. Give it a listen via the YouTube below:

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