Empowering Youth and Raising Awareness

Empowering Youth and Raising Awareness: ‘Changes Are Made’ Anti-Knife Crime Event in Bournemouth.

This September, the Safer BCP Partnership continues its mission to raise awareness about the dangers of knife crime while empowering young people to make positive choices. With a series of events lined up, the highlight of the campaign will be the ‘Changes Are Made’ celebration day, taking place on Saturday, 21 September 2024 from 11 am to 4 pm at Bournemouth Square and Lower Gardens.

The event aims to bring the community together through entertainment and education, featuring exciting activities, many of which will be led by young people. Expect vibrant DJ sessions, dancing, and the rhythms of African drumming, alongside a thrilling skate ramp to energize the day.

One of the standout participants will be Afro*disiac Live Radio, a local community-focused station known for supporting positive youth engagement. They will be showcasing their Free Community Radio & DJ Workshops, hosted by the talented DJ Martin Jay. This is a fantastic opportunity for young people and the wider community to drop in, get involved, and even sign up for the workshops to explore a creative outlet through music.

The ‘Changes Are Made’ event isn’t just about fun and entertainment—it’s a powerful platform for raising awareness about the impact of knife crime, promoting safety, and offering positive alternatives for young people in the area. By engaging youth through music, dance, and sports, the campaign seeks to inspire them to make safer, healthier decisions in their lives.

So, if you’re in Bournemouth on 21 September, come down to Bournemouth Square and Lower Gardens for an inspiring day filled with music, creativity, and the chance to make a real difference. Let’s come together as a community to support our youth, celebrate positive change, and say no to knife crime!

Stay tuned for updates, and don’t forget to drop by the Afro*Disiac Live Radio tent to experience the Free DJ Workshops. Change starts here!

More Information

More information can be found on the Safer BCP website, saferbcp.co.uk/knife-crime-awareness

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