Artist Focus: Don Q

Don Q drops a fire new track entitled “True King”!

New York rapper, Don Q has blessed the fans with a fire new tune called “True King” and all you hip hop fans need to hear it.

Q has delivered a constant stream of good tunes that feature both contemporary instrumentation and bars that hold some weight behind them.

His fans will definitely be pleased to see the “Highbridge The Label” co-founder back in the musical ring after a year-long break.

The fast-paced music video that accompanies “True King” sees Q give a passionate performance as he speaks about the struggles that he has faced throughout his career and how his formative years have created the artist we see today

 . We also get some more introspective lyrics on the relationships he’s had and how people have turned on him in the past.

The introspective lyrics reference betrayal in his past relationships and how cutting “loose strings” has allowed him to grow and find success.

We thoroughly enjoyed “True King” and can’t wait to hear what Don Q has next in the pipeline. What do you think? Let us know via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Email.

Have a great week guys!


Written & Researched by Max Dervan



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