Bournemouth Reggae Guide
with Terms & Conditions

Event Dates and Site information

  • Friday 28th July from 3 pm – 10 pm
  • Saturday 29th July from 11 am until 10 pm
  • Sunday 30th July from 11 am until 8 pm

Friday 28th July— Stallholders will be permitted onto the site, via Kings Park Dr from 8 am.

Saturday 29th July— Stallholders will be permitted onto the site, via Kings Park Dr from 8 am.

Unless pre-arranged all vehicles must vacate the site by 9 am and will not be permitted back onto the site until after 10 pm and/or the site manager has deemed it safe to do so. All stallholders must vacate the site by midnight.

Sunday 30th— Stallholders will be permitted onto the site, via Kings Park Dr from 8 am.

Unless pre-arranged all vehicles must vacate the site by 8 am and will not be permitted back onto the site until after 9 pm and/or the site manager has deemed it safe to do so. All stallholders must vacate the site by 10 pm.


What if I am unable to trade until the end of each day?

If you wish to leave the site before 10 pm on Friday/Saturday and/or 8 am on Sunday, it is important that you provide the event managers with the time you wish to leave the site, prior to the event, as you would be required to walk your belongings to one of the entrances. This will enable us to locate you a suitable pitch location and facilitate your exit.

When entering the site, where will I go?

Upon entering the site, you will be greeted by one of our site marshals who will ask you to put on your hazard lights, keep to a maximum speed limit of 5mph and direct you to the allocated pitch.

All stalls must fit within the pre-agreed pitch area of 3 metre width by 3 metre depth (unless additional area has been purchased).

This MUST include any tow hitches of trailers.

All stall holders must comply with all instructions and guidance given by organisers members and marshals.

How much does it cost for a pitch?

The cost of a pitch (3m x 3m) is dependent on the type of stall; Commercial, Charity or Catering.

Commercial (Pre-made items sold for profit)

Weekend £170 (3X3) any additional space required would be charged £100 per metre.

Charity (Pre-made items sold, or games like hook a duck played to raise money for those in need)

Weekend £65 (3X3) any additional space required would be charged £100 per metre.

Catering (Hot or cold food and drink sold for profit)

Weekend £450 (3X3) any additional space required would be charged £100 per metre.

Please note that charity stalls providing catering (Hot or cold food and drink sold to raise money for those in need) will be classed as and charged catering rates.

Please note that trading spaces for the weekend are limited.

The above cost is per weekend with no discount for reduced trading hours.

For example:

A catering stall with a size of 6m widths and 3m depths will be charged as follows

Weekend £450  +  £100 extra metre

Weekend Total cost = £550.00

When does the application need to be submitted by?

All applications and documentation need to be received ASAP to guarantee your pitch.

Once an application has been received, confirmation will be sent to the stallholder advising if their application has been successful or not. Where applications that have not been successful, details will be kept for future events or in case a pitch becomes available. For applications that have been successful, an invoice will be sent by email, confirming the amount and instructions on how to pay for the pitch.

Payments must be received within 7 days from the date of this email. Failing to provide payment may result in your application being withdrawn.

What documentation is required?

All stalls are required, by law, to provide the following documentation to the stall manager prior to the event, these should be submitted upon application. Incomplete applications will be returned.

  • Completed application form providing full details of the stall, goods to be sold, contact details and signature.
  • Public Liability Insurance for a minimum of £5 million. Existing certificate then renewal if appropriate
  • Full Risk Assessment

For stalls providing catering additional documentation is required as follows:

  • Food Hygiene certificate
  • Local Authority registration containing the full details of the authorising Council
  • Gas Safety certificate (if required)

For inflatables (such as bouncy castles) additional

Documentation / requirement is required as follows:

  • ADIPS certificate
  • Public Liability insurance for a cover of £10 million

Can I leave the stall overnight? Is there any security?

For stallholders who are attending the whole weekender can leave their stalls on site. We will have overnight security of the site. However stallholders remain responsible for the protection of their own belongings throughout the event. The Organisers will NOT be held responsible for any loss or damage caused to a stallholder’s goods, stall or vehicle(s).

Can I use a generator on the site?

NO  The event organizers will supply a central generator please opt for power supply on the application form

What cooking equipment can I bring?

It is not permitted to have open fires on the site.
All cooking equipment needs to be raised from the ground with fire safety equipment provided. The event is a glass free so all drinks will need to be decanted in plastic cups.

What is provided in the pitch area?

The Management is unable to provide anything for your pitch. Stallholders are required to bring their own gazebo/marquee. Any structure needs to be weighted and not staked on council land. All marquees should be constructed by a reputable company.

Will there be facilities for removal of rubbish provided?

The Management will organize rubbish bins on the site, however these are for use of people visiting the site. We kindly ask all stallholders remove their rubbish by the end of each day.

Regulations, responsibilities and cancellations/refunds Regulations

All stallholders must comply with all by-laws, conditions and regulation specified by BCP Council, either generally or specifically for the event.
Stallholders must obtain any official licenses or permissions for displaying or selling goods or wares and are required to abide by Trading Standards and weights & measures regulations.


Damages.USER bears full responsibility accepts liability for any site damage (Users: Traders Agents, employees and children brought on to the site) and caused by their negligence and/or breach of the Terms of their operation on the site. The damage on-site include but not limited to marquees, mattings, installations, pipes, cables, or light fittings provided by the organisers. Any such damages will be paid for by the responsible participant before leaving the festival. The pitch must be left in a clean and tidy state at the end of each day’s event. The traders also agree to indemnify the organiser from and against any and all loss, damage or liability whether criminal or civil suffered and legal costs and fees incurred by the organiser resulting from a breach of these Terms and conditions by the participant including any act default neglect of the participant’s employees or agents.



The Management reserves the right to withdraw or refuse any application. In these circumstances where a payment has been made, a full refund will be provided.
A refund of fees paid, by a stallholder, will be given only in the circumstances where the event is cancelled, for reasons attributable to the Management.
If a stallholder cancels on or before 31st May 2022, 50% of the total cost will be refunded within 14 days of the notice given. If a stallholder cancels after this date no fees will be refunded.


The Management’ otherwise known as Afro*disiac Live Radio is a Non-For Profit CIC  [Community Interest Company]
The site’ is Kings Park Boscombe Bournemouth BH7 6JB
The event’ is Bournemouth Reggae Weekender held over a period of three days including entertainment.

If further guidance is required, please contact

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