Artist Spotlight Jango

Pacific Northwest-based rapper/singer Jango presents “Choices”, his new single produced by Musikal. “Choices” appears on Alone By Choice, Jango’s new EP executive co-produced by Jimmy Hill of Amplified Wax, the production house responsible for a platinum record for Matthew Koma, as well as collaborations with Myles Kennedy and Eva Simons. Born in Connecticut, Jango’s first mixtape was The Pursuit, and he has toured with Crooked I and Eazy E3. Jango describes his new mixtape as “a statement. I wanted my fans and friends to understand that it’s okay to be alone. So many people find depression and helplessness in being alone when in fact they should be able to find some happiness by appreciating and loving themselves. The project was inspired after the passing of my best friend Cam, who last year chose suicide to end his life. I hated that he had made that decision but I understood why. He was alone and couldn’t find happiness by himself. My goal and point to this project is to save everyone else from this mindset. No one can love you better then yourselves, and nobody should ever be able to tear you down. It’s your life, it’s your choices, and ultimately your happiness.”

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